Service Learning-SDGs 3 (Good Health And Well-Being) "Dangerous of Smoking"

Hi guys, How are you? I hope you always fine and healthy because this time I want to share my experience while contributing and increase SDG's number 3. According to SDG's number 3, we have to improve quality of health and -well being. From this topic, I'm in interested in discussing about the dangerous of smoking in general. I feel I have much to know, especially for people who smoke cigarettes every day, because it’s in every pack of cigarettes there are writings about the dangers of smoking, such as this. " SMOKING CAN CAUSE CANCER, HEART ATTACK, IMPOTENCE AND PREGNANCY AND FETAL DISORDERS". But despite the pack or packs of cigarettes are contained writings about the dangers of smoking are very scary, still many who smoke. Surprisingly, smokers aren't only among adults,but also many children who are underage also smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes contain more than four thousand substances and two thousand of them have been declared impact is not good for our ...